Other North Belfast Development Projects 

Girdwood, Antrim Road & North Queen Street Developments

There is no doubt 2016 has been an extremely busy year for the Association.

February 2016 saw the commencement of a phased handover of 75 new build homes at our Girdwood Development, North Belfast. The Association initially received handover of 9 no. new build homes at St James Mews, with the remaining 66 no. new build homes handed over in mid-May 2016.

In late May 2016, the Association also acquired handover of 3 no. 4 bedroom new build homes on the Antrim Road, Belfast.

Finally, in November 2016, the Association acquired handover of 26 new build homes at North Queen Street, Belfast.

In total, 104 new build homes were acquired by the Association from the three new build developments at Girdwood (St James Mews, Kinnaird Street, Kinnaird Terrace and Kinnaird Avenue) Antrim Road and North Queen Street Belfast.

The breakdown of all the homes acquired by NHA are as follows:

  • 10 x One Bed Apartments
  • 35 x Two Bed Homes
  • 24 x Two Bed Apartments
  • 32 x Three Bed Homes
  • 3 x Four Bed Homes

These new affordable homes have provided much needed accommodation for single people and families who, in some cases have been awaiting accommodation for several years and were in severe housing need.

Dunmore/Alexandra Park Avenue, Parkside Gardens & Newington Street New Build Developments (2017/18)

2017 was again an extremely busy year for the Association. In October 2017 we acquired handover of 38 new build homes at our Dunmore/Alexandra Park Avenue, Belfast.

Then in December 2017, we acquired 8 of the 16 new homes constructed at Parkside Gardens, Belfast. The remaining 8 were then acquired in March 2018, along with 2 newly built homes in Newington Street, Belfast.

In total, 56 new build homes were acquired by the Association in 2017/18.

New Lodge Redevelopment (2018 & 2019) – 88 New Homes

In June 2018, the Association acquired Phase 1 of the New Lodge Redevelopment, which consisted of 31 new homes located in Lepper Street & Stratheden Street, Belfast.

Phase 2 (8 new homes) was then acquired by us in September 2018, followed by Phase 3 (18 new homes) in December 2018.

The Association then acquired Phase 4 (14 new homes) in March 2019, followed by a Phase 5 (17 new homes in July 2019).

Phase 5 saw final completion of this stage of the New Lodge Redevelopment.


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