Developments – Delaware Building

Acquired in 2010, this unique development was a partnership between Newington HA, North Belfast Housing and the communities of Tigers Bay and Newington. Straddling the Tigers Bay/Newington interface and the scene of much violence in the past this complex is now home to 22 households from both sides of the community in a shared housing project.

This project is supported by a multi-agency forum with representation from the residents of the building, members of both communities, cross community interface workers, the PSNI and both Newington & North Belfast Housing.

This scheme is a huge success for all partners involved in the project and the risks taken by both communities to change the status quo has been equally matched by North Belfast and Newington Housing Associations as well as the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, the Department for Social Development and PSNI.

Since the project was completed in 2010, the partnership between both communities has been consolidated into the Duncairn Community Partnership . The DCP is made up by a number of member organisations namely, North Belfast Community Development and Transition Group (NBCDTG), North Belfast Interface Network (NBIN), Intercomm, Groundwork NI (GWNI), Tigers Bay Concerned Residents Group, Newington Residents Association and Star Neighbourhood Centre.



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